Build power. Fight back. WIN!
Jobs with Justice National Conference
August 5-7, 2011 in Washington, DC
This year – starting now – we are expecting an array of serious attacks on workers’ rights to hit state legislatures, including Right to Work for Less laws, paycheck deception, anti-prevailing wage bills, anti-immigrant bills, and continued attacks on the public sector. Corporations want to use the failing economy as an excuse to reverse every worker protection put in place over the last century, but we won’t let that happen.
Come to the Jobs with Justice conference to learn from and strategize with labor leaders, rank & file workers, students, religious leaders, community activists, workers excluded from labor law protection, and many, many more about how to build a powerful movement of working people to defeat the corporate agenda.
Please save the date & stay tuned to learn more about the program, action, and celebrations planned at the 2011 Jobs with Justice National Conference.