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Sunday, July 24, 2011

save the date

Build power. Fight back. WIN!
Jobs with Justice National Conference
August 5-7, 2011 in Washington, DC

This year – starting now – we are expecting an array of serious attacks on workers’ rights to hit state legislatures, including Right to Work for Less laws, paycheck deception, anti-prevailing wage bills, anti-immigrant bills, and continued attacks on the public sector. Corporations want to use the failing economy as an excuse to reverse every worker protection put in place over the last century, but we won’t let that happen.

Come to the Jobs with Justice conference to learn from and strategize with labor leaders, rank & file workers, students, religious leaders, community activists, workers excluded from labor law protection, and many, many more about how to build a powerful movement of working people to defeat the corporate agenda.

Please save the date & stay tuned to learn more about the program, action, and celebrations planned at the 2011 Jobs with Justice National Conference.
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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Picture It! Safe Workplaces for Everyone

Picture It! Safe Workplaces for Everyone:

"In celebration of our 40th anniversary, OSHA announces the Picture It!: Safe Workplaces for Everyone photo contest.

"The contest challenges anyone with a passion for photography to capture an image of workplace safety and health and share it with OSHA.

"The goal of the contest is to kick off a national collaboration that relies on your talent, imagination and creativity to raise awareness of workplace safety and health.

"You can interpret 'image of workplace safety and health' in any way you choose; you are not restricted to particular subjects or themes."


Monday, July 18, 2011

‪CWA Rally IN NY CIty- July 30, 2011 - Together and United‬‏ - YouTube

‪CWA Rally IN NY CIty- July 30, 2011 - Together and United‬‏ - YouTube:

"CWA Rally IN NY CIty- July 30, 2011 - Together and United"

Thousands of CWA and IBEW members will converge on Verizon's New York City headquarters on Saturday, July 30th


First NAFTA-Wide Union Could Emerge This Year - Working In These Times

First NAFTA-Wide Union Could Emerge This Year - Working In These Times: "First NAFTA-Wide Union Could Emerge This Year
Jul 15, 2011
1:45 pm
By Mike Elk

United Steelworkers and Mexico's Los Mineros union could develop a unification proposal as soon as this August"

First NAFTA-Wide Union Could Emerge This Year - Working In These Times

First NAFTA-Wide Union Could Emerge This Year - Working In These Times: "First NAFTA-Wide Union Could Emerge This Year
Jul 15, 2011
1:45 pm
By Mike Elk

United Steelworkers and Mexico's Los Mineros union could develop a unification proposal as soon as this August"

Board proposes rules to reform pre- and post-election representation case procedures | NLRB

Board proposes rules to reform pre- and post-election representation case procedures | NLRB: "If finally adopted after a public notice-and-comment process, the proposed amendments would:

Allow for electronic filing of election petitions and other documents.

Ensure that employees, employers and unions receive and exchange timely information they need to understand and participate in the representation case process.

Standardize timeframes for parties to resolve or litigate issues before and after elections.

Require parties to identify issues and describe evidence soon after an election petition is filed to facilitate resolution and eliminate unnecessary litigation.

Defer litigation of most voter eligibility issues until after the election.

Require employers to provide a final voter list in electronic form soon after the scheduling of an election, including voters’ telephone numbers and email addresses when available.

Consolidate all election-related appeals to the Board into a single post-election appeals process and thereby eliminate delay in holding elections currently attributable to the possibility of pre-election appeals.

Make Board review of post-election decisions discretionary rather than mandatory."

Friday, July 8, 2011

YouTube - ‪NJ State Attorneys Go Union‬‏

International Brotherhood of Electrical WorkersImage via Wikipedia
YouTube - ‪NJ State Attorneys Go Union‬‏:

 "Everyone could use a voice on the job, even white-collar professionals like lawyers. Attorneys at the New Jersey Attorney General's office were tired of scant benefits, stagnant pay and, most importantly, not having any power to change things in their workplace. 'They wanted respect in the workplace, they wanted to be treated fairly and the promises that were made to them needed to be kept,' says IBEW International Representative Wyatt Earp. So, like an increasing number of professionals, they decided to get organized, joining the IBEW."
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