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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI | The Economic Populist

Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI | The Economic Populist:

 "Protest for economic justice and you are now a terrorist?  Wonder why all of a sudden cities across America coordinated and shut down the Occupy Wall Street movement?  Now we know and it was coordinated by the banks. The FBI, DHS, police, and private-sector financial businesses all coordinated to repress the people and suppress a movement. Civil Justice Fund a non-profit, posted FBI files which show this is what happened. Think we are free and have freedom of speech and protest in the United States? Freedom is allowed only if no one hears you."

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Articles: Why the Left Hates the Laffer Curve

English: Real Signiorage vs. Inflation Rate (L...
English: Real Signiorage vs. Inflation Rate (Laffer Curve) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The Laffer curve Svenska: Lafferkurvan
English: The Laffer curve Svenska: Lafferkurvan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Real Signiorage vs. Inflation Rate (L...
English: Real Signiorage vs. Inflation Rate (Laffer Curve) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Dansk: Laffer kurve
Dansk: Laffer kurve (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Deutsch: Laffer-Kurve. Der Scheitelpunkt der P...
Deutsch: Laffer-Kurve. Der Scheitelpunkt der Parabel ist rein hypothetisch. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Neo-Laffer curve
Neo-Laffer curve (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Laffer Curve
Laffer Curve (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A non-symmetric Laffer Curve with a m...
English: A non-symmetric Laffer Curve with a maximum revenue point at around a 70% tax rate. This graph is based on the results from "How Far Are We From The Slippery Slope? The Laffer Curve Revisited" by Mathias Trabandt and Harald Uhlig, NBER Working Paper No. 15343, September 2009. Specifically, it mimics the curve found in Figure 2 of that paper. Their research estimated Laffer Curve maximum revenue points to be between 60% to 80% tax rates. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
US Tax Rates (Taxes on riches/wealth)
US Tax Rates (Taxes on riches/wealth) (Photo credit: mSeattle)
Articles: Why the Left Hates the Laffer Curve:

 "There is no single "Laffer Curve"; there is no set-in-stone point at which increased tax rates cease to generate government returns.  But we can be reasonably certain that during the last century we in America have at different times found ourselves on both sides of the curve.  There have been occasions where increased tax rates clearly resulted in increased government revenue. There have been occasions where decreased tax rates clearly resulted in increased government revenue.  When it comes to the argument of whether tax rates should be raised or lowered, at different points in time and in different economic circumstances, each side of the political aisle has been correct.  At different points in time and in different economic circumstances, each side has been wrong."

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jude Wanniski: Taxes and a Two-Santa Theory | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games

Jude Wanniski: Taxes and a Two-Santa Theory | Stan Collender's Capital Gains and Games:

 "National Observer
March 6, 1976

Taxes and a Two-Santa Theory
By Jude Wanniski

            The only thing wrong with the U.S. economy is the failure of the Republican Party to play Santa Claus. The only thing wrong with President Ford is that he is still too much a Hoover Republican when what the country needs is a Coolidge Republican."

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Robert Reich: Cliff Hanger: The President's Unnecessary and Unwise Concessions

Robert Reich: Cliff Hanger: The President's Unnecessary and Unwise Concessions:

 "Hands off Social Security. If the Republicans are willing to raise tax rates on high earners but demand more spending cuts in return, the president should offer larger cuts in defense spending and corporate welfare."

Monday, December 17, 2012

Meet Five CEOs Who Prove That Lower Corporate Taxes Don't Equal More Hiring | Alternet

Meet Five CEOs Who Prove That Lower Corporate Taxes Don't Equal More Hiring | Alternet:

 "Never mind for a moment the obvious problem with lowering tax rates as a means of fixing the long-term debt. Would allowing corporations to pay less taxes really mean more hiring?

Luckily we have some interesting case studies. Several of the CEOs pushing this idea actually run companies that pay extremely low corporate tax rates, well below the statutory 35 percent rate—or pay none at all. So, via the invaluable Institute for Policy Studies, let’s see what kind of job creation these folks did while enjoying very low corporate tax rates"


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Twinkie CEO Admits Company Took Employees Pensions and Put It Toward Executive Pay | Alternet

Twinkie CEO Admits Company Took Employees Pensions and Put It Toward Executive Pay | Alternet:

"According to a report by the Wall Street Journal , Hostess’ CEO, Gregory Rayburn, essentially admitted that his company stole employee pension money and put it toward CEO and senior executive pay (aka “operations”).

While this isn't technically illegal, it's another sleazy theft by Hostess executives - who've paid themselves handsomely while running their company into the ground. Just last month, a judge agreed to let Hostess executives suck another $1.8 million out of the bankrupt company to pay bonuses to CEOs.  "

Friday, December 7, 2012

10 Good Reasons to Embrace Poverty - Listverse

10 Good Reasons to Embrace Poverty - Listverse:

 "So you work hard, put in lots of hours, scrimp and save your pennies, and, 30 years later, you have a spouse and kids, a mortgaged house, car and credit card payments, retirement just around the corner, recession, ulcer acting up, lawn mower is on the fritz, plus you’ve just discovered the heartbreak of psoriasis caused by stress. But you’re “successful” because you have a bigger house than your parents had."

Are Democrats Prepared For Another Debt Limit Fight? | TPMDC

Are Democrats Prepared For Another Debt Limit Fight? | TPMDC: "The White House’s official position on this plan is: cram it. Officials say they will not negotiate, or pay a ransom. Congress has to raise the debt limit, period.

“I will not play that game,” Obama told the Business Roundtable on Wednesday. “We are not going to play that game next year. We’ve got to break that habit before it starts.”"


2012 Purpose Prize: Thomas Cox (Maine Attorneys Saving Homes) - YouTube

2012 Purpose Prize: Thomas Cox (Maine Attorneys Saving Homes) - YouTube: ""

Monday, December 3, 2012

Daily Kos: Paul Ryan resurrects $716 billion in Medicare cuts in new budget

Daily Kos: Paul Ryan resurrects $716 billion in Medicare cuts in new budget:

 "Those $716 billion in Medicare cuts in Obamacare that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan lied about all through the campaign? The $716 billion that were in both of Paul Ryan's budget proposals? They're back, in Ryan's next budget proposal."

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Class Wars of 2012 -

Class Wars of 2012 -

 "The important thing to understand now is that while the election is over, the class war isn’t. The same people who bet big on Mr. Romney, and lost, are now trying to win by stealth — in the name of fiscal responsibility — the ground they failed to gain in an open election."


Obama Budget Keeps Faith with Voters

Obama Budget Keeps Faith with Voters:
 "The ball is now in the Republicans’ court. Unfortunately, Republicans do not seem to have learned the lessons from their shellacking at the polls in November.  They are still insisting on the very things voters rejected so resoundingly: tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% and benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid"
