22 Quotes to Understand Janet Yellen - DailyFinance:
"On income inequality in the U.S.
"[Sen. Don Riegle, D-Mich.] pointed to one of the most disturbing and fundamental long-term secular shifts in the American economy that we have seen in recent decades. American workers have faced serious difficulties in the labor market since the first oil shock in 1973. Since that time, the pace of productivity advance has slowed for reasons which are still not understood, lowering the rate at which living standards have advanced. Even more disturbing, wage inequality has risen, with young men with high school diplomas, for example, experiencing real wage losses of roughly 25 percent from 1971 to 1988. These trends have frustrated the aspirations of many Americans." (June 1995)"
At the Tuesday Night Café...
... you can write about whatever you want.
No sunrise photo today. It was -13° out there this morning. But here's
something to look at:
5 hours ago